Tag: Company Registration Pattaya

Company Registration Pattaya

COMPANY REGISTRATION SERVICECompany Registration Pattaya Register CompanyWe can help you register your business, notify the tax authorities you have a new company, notify the revenue department and obtain you tax ID for your business. When your business takes off we can also help if you need to register for VAT. Setting ... Read More
May 21, 2024admin

Company Registration Pattaya

COMPANY REGISTRATION PATTAYASetup Company Pattaya Company Registration Thailand Pattaya Company RegistrationOur Company specializes in setting up safe and secure company structures for foreigners. Our legal and consulting staff have set-up thousands of companies in Pattaya and have decades of combined experience in company registration and all facets of Thai law ... Read More
May 19, 2024admin

Investment Visa Pattaya

INVESTMENT VISA IN PATTAYAINVESTMENT VISA PROCESSINGThe Non-Immigrant IM Visa (investment visa in Pattaya) can be applied for by foreigners that have invested an amount of at least 10M THB in Pattaya for Thailand. The government introduced this visa (again) to attract foreign investment in the country. The country of Thailand has ... Read More
February 23, 2024admin